Unable to build plugin using official Dockerfile build failed exec: "go": executable file not found in $PATH2f7d829b56be

Viewed 182

I try build plugin with command like : Document Plugin
Run command :

answer build --with github.com/apache/incubator-answer-plugins/storage-s3
answer build --with github.com/apache/incubator-answer-plugins/connector-github

Output :

try to build a new answer with plugins:
[build] tmp dir: /answer_build3345138010
[go mod tidy]
build failed exec: "go": executable file not found in $PATH2f7d829b56be
try to build a new answer with plugins:
[build] tmp dir: /answer_build2159253640
[go mod tidy]
build failed exec: "go": executable file not found in $PATH2f7d829b56be

My version : v1.2.0

I just run docker with docker-compose :

1 Answers

This error message means you do not have a go environment. Because you are using docker, I guess that you build in the container but the container doesn't have a go environment. So you need to download the binary version and build a new Answer with plugins in your host that have a Golang and node environment. After that, you can build a new Answer docker image to replace that you are using.

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