I'm having trouble adding languages

Viewed 380


I'm updating the files with vi but I'm having problems, can you help me?

Error message:

[reserved-usernames.json] write file fail: open /data/conf/reserved-usernames.json: no such file or directory
install all initial environment done
[SUCCESS] answer installation service will run at: http://localhost:80/install/

How do I add a new extra language?

2 Answers
[reserved-usernames.json] write file fail: open /data/conf/reserved-usernames.json: no such file or directory

Thank you for your question. I am very sorry that this error message may have misled you into thinking that there was a problem with the installation. You can ignore this error message and continue with the installation steps. We will fix this issue in the next release version by removing this incorrect error message.

If you are using a language that is in the current list of languages. Just submit your translation at crowdin and we will continually update the translation.

If you are using a language that is not in the current list of languages, you will need to do the following.

  1. Add the language file itself, just like i18n/zh_CN.yaml, which content you can translate according to i18n/en_US.yaml
  2. Modify the language list file i18n/i18n.yaml. Add your corresponding translation file name and translation language name.

You need to restart answer. answer only loads the language file during startup, it does not reload during runtime.

I added a test language based on the answer above, as shown below.


By the way, remind you that the installation process is still all in English, and the user profile interface after the installation is complete can be selected for the language.

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