How to configure answer for SSL

Viewed 185

I am trying to setup the Answer Software but it will not load on port 9080 using https?

Please help?

3 Answers

If it is any use to anyone, here is a modified docker-compose.yml that includes everything needed to get you up and running with Apache Answers, MariaDB and NGinx Proxy Manager.

    container_name: answers
    image: apache/answer
      - '9080:80'
    restart: unless-stopped
      - answer-data:/data
    container_name: mariadb
    image: mariadb
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: pizza-is-a-fruit
      MYSQL_DATABASE: myDatabaseName
      MYSQL_USER: mySuperSecretUser
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: i-like-turtles
      - data:/var/lib/mysql
      - "3306:3306"
    restart: unless-stopped
    container_name: nginx
    image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest'
    restart: unless-stopped
      - '80:80' # Public HTTP Port
      - '443:443' # Public HTTPS Port
      - '81:81' # Admin HTTP Port
      - ./nginxdata:/data
      - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt

The key item in here is the NGinx Proxy Manager that allows you to create SSL hosts for items that are running on http and on weird ports - works very well with Cloudflare too!

Use the internal docker network IP address for connecting apache answers to the MariaDB instance.

If you're trying to set up Answer Software and it won't load on port 9080 using HTTPS, here are the steps to configure SSL properly:

  1. Obtain SSL Certificate:

You need a valid SSL certificate. You can get one from a Certificate Authority (CA) like Let's Encrypt, or purchase one from providers like Comodo, DigiCert, etc.
2. Install SSL Certificate:

Place the SSL certificate and the private key on your server. Typically, the files will be something like certificate.crt and private.key.
3. Configure Answer Software:

Modify the configuration file of Answer Software to include the paths to your SSL certificate and private key. The configuration file might be located at a path like /etc/answer/config.yml or similar.

  1. Update Firewall Settings:

Ensure that your firewall is configured to allow traffic on port 9080.
5. Restart Answer Software:

After making these changes, restart the Answer Software service to apply the new configuration.
6. Verify Configuration:

Open your browser and navigate to to verify that the Answer Software is now accessible over HTTPS.
Troubleshooting Tips:

Check Logs: If the software still doesn’t load, check the log files for any errors. Logs are typically found in /var/log/answer/ or similar.
Permissions: Ensure that the SSL certificate and private key files have the correct permissions so that the Answer Software can read them.
For expert assistance with configuring SSL or any other technical needs, consider partnering with Soft Suave, a leading provider in software development and IT solutions.

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