How to create API User which only has specific API (ADMIN) access

Viewed 216


Is there a (simple) way to create an user which can only access certain ADMIN API? Ex: i want a user which can create other users (via API)

I'm building a system where when a user creates a centralized account (ex on my platform) the system should create sub accounts, for example for the Answers Q&A platform and other platforms.

The problem I'm facing is that I can add a user with ADMIN rights and then login via the API and use the user creation API but given the fact that admin has FULL ACCESS it's a security liability which can result in many problems down the line and I'd like to avoid these. Ex an admin can remove access of other admins....

I simply want a simple user registration system (username registration is already disabled)


It would be nice if one could send the user status when creating an new user, to make it inactive and also to get the user id as a response.


1 Answers

I'm sorry, there is no very detailed permission management system. Therefore, it is impossible to achieve finer-grained permission configurations, such as granting access to only certain API functionalities to a specific account.

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