Enhance SEO URLs

Viewed 474

Thanks for adding the SEO Friendly URL feature. One suggestion is to remove the long ID within the URL. Reduce the number so that it gets as short as possible.

Current Answer URL structure: https://meta.answer.dev/questions/10010000000000001/welcome-to-answer-community

The long “10010000000000001” isn’t necessary.

Example URL from other forum software:

XenForo: https://xenforo.com/community/threads/batch-update-users-broken-in-2-2-12.211063/ Discourse: https://meta.discourse.org/t/category-color-selection-should-be-allowed-even-when-style-is-none/213745

Thank you and keep up the good work!

1 Answers

Thank you for your suggestion, we will try to improve this.

Update 2023-03-20

we have improved this function in v1.0.7. You can update to the latest version and choose the short url value in "Permalink" setting.