How do I submit a domain name for the trusted IP addresses in wecom plugin?

Viewed 94

After submission, it keeps alerting me about domain ownership. Does the domain need to be registered under the same entity as the WeCom account?

Or is there a specific directory on the server where WeCom's official verification file should be placed for the domain submission to be recognized?

I saw the configuration link in the WeCom plugin documentation: Document
At the end of the link
, two scenarios for "Trusted IP" configuration are mentioned:

  1. Contact Sync Assistant (doesn't have an Agent ID, I suspect it's not this one)
  2. Newly created self-built apps
    I configured the latter. In the trusted IP configuration section, there are two options, and I need to choose one. Which one should I choose?
    • If it's domain verification, there will be an ownership verification issue, requiring placing Tencent's verification file in a specific location on the server. Where exactly should I place it?
    • Receiving message server configuration, screenshot feedback shows: openapi callback address request failed.
  • trusted IP

    截图 2025-01-16 16-55-21.png

  • trusted domain

    截图 2025-01-17 11-14-38.png

  • url
    截图 2025-01-17 11-09-55.png

    截图 2025-01-17 11-36-10.png

1 Answers

I'm not sure what the execution conditions about wecom are for now. Previously, you only needed to configure the server's public IP.

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