Customize CSS/HTML does not display as expected in dark mode

Viewed 127

Add code to the Footer of Admin-Customize-CSS/HTML

The interface is set to dark mode, the newly added code is invalid

Custom CSS Code: {
  display: none
} {
    --bs-bg-opacity: 1;
    background-color: rgba(var(--bs-light-rgb),var(--bs-bg-opacity))!important;

Footer Code:

<footer class="bg-light1">
  <div class="py-3 container">
    <p class="text-center mb-0 small text-secondary">
       © 2023-2024 copyright xxxx
1 Answers

Maybe you can avoid conflicts by not controlling the colors.

Custom CSS Code:

footer:not(#new-footer) {
    display: none;

Footer Code:

<footer class="bg-light" id="new-footer">
  <div class="py-3 container">
    <p class="text-center mb-0 small text-secondary">
       © 2023-2024 copyright xxxx