How can I permanently delete users?

Viewed 132


I’m facing an issue related to this question (#D1lc). After multiple attempts to set up OAuth2 registration with Azure AD, I now have three entries for the same user in the deleted users list.

How can I permanently delete a user so that I can successfully complete the initial registration via OAuth2?

I’m attaching my setup for reference. Thank you for your support!



1 Answers

Thank you very much for your feedback. I have a general idea of why the problem occurs. I guess it's a bug caused by not properly deleting the third party information bound to the user after deleting the user.

For the current handling, you can try deleting the data corresponding to the old user in the user_external_login table. Then try logging in using Azure AD again.

You can submit a GitHub issue for feedback on this issue. Thank you very much.

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