What is `sudo` command in Linux?

Viewed 240

What is purpose of sudo command in linux?

1 Answers

The "sudo" command in Linux stands for "superuser do." It is used to execute commands with administrative privileges, typically as the "root" user or any other user with escalated privileges. The purpose of the sudo command is to ensure the security and integrity of the system by limiting the execution of privileged operations to authorized users.

In Linux, the root user has unrestricted access and control over the entire system. However, granting administrative privileges to regular users can be risky. The sudo command allows system administrators to delegate specific administrative tasks to non-root users while maintaining control over the system.

When a user prefixes a command with "sudo" and enters their password, the system verifies if the user is authorized to execute the command with administrative privileges. If authorized, the command runs with elevated privileges, and if not, the user receives an error message.

By using sudo, administrators can grant fine-grained control over which users can perform specific privileged operations. This approach enhances security by minimizing the risk of accidental or unauthorized system modifications.

Additionally, the sudo command provides an audit trail, logging every command executed with administrative privileges, which aids in troubleshooting and tracking any potentially malicious activities.

In summary, the purpose of the sudo command is to allow authorized users to execute commands with administrative privileges in a controlled and secure manner, reducing the risks associated with unrestricted access to the system.

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