Why do images not display on secondary answer container?

Viewed 101

Edit: I realized that setting the site to login required is what broke the images. I have deleted cache and restarted the container with no luck. I have logged out and deleted cookies before logging back in with no luck


I have two instances of apache-answer running on my docker container. They both have subdomains that point to them. Settings are exactly the same except for listening port (8080 vs. 8081). Both are behind a reverse proxy. The one on 8080 shows images just fine. The one on 8081 shows as broken.

They have the same permissions between the two containers. I can view the image on 8080 with both the subdomain through the reverse proxy and when using the IP address and port. The other doesn't work with either address. All things seem to point to permissions, but they're the same.

Is there something getting screwed up with two containers on the same docker instance? Is there a log message to make sure that it's trying to find the image at the right location?

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