I have Apache Answer installed locally on Windows and want to retrieve all questions and answers programmatically. How can I use PowerShell to interact with the Apache Answer API and fetch this data?
I have Apache Answer installed locally on Windows and want to retrieve all questions and answers programmatically. How can I use PowerShell to interact with the Apache Answer API and fetch this data?
You can use PowerShell to fetch all questions and their corresponding answers from Apache Answer using its REST API. Here's a complete script that demonstrates this:
powershellCopy$baseUri = "http://localhost"
$headers = @{"accept"="application/json"}
# Get questions
$questions = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$baseUri/answer/api/v1/question/page?page=1&page_size=20&order=newest" -Headers $headers
foreach ($question in $questions.data.list) {
Write-Host "`nQuestion ID: $($question.id)"
Write-Host "Title: $($question.title)"
Write-Host "Created: $([DateTimeOffset]::FromUnixTimeSeconds($question.created_at).LocalDateTime)"
Write-Host "Answer Count: $($question.answer_count)"
# Get all answers for this question
if ($question.answer_count -gt 0) {
$answers = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$baseUri/answer/api/v1/answer/page?question_id=$($question.id)&order=default&page=1&page_size=20" -Headers $headers
Write-Host "`nAnswers:"
foreach ($answer in $answers.data.list) {
Write-Host "`n--- Answer ID: $($answer.id) ---"
Write-Host "Content: $($answer.content)"
if ($answer.id -eq $question.accepted_answer_id) {
Write-Host "Status: ✓ Accepted Answer"
} else {
Write-Host "`nNo answers yet"
Write-Host "`n==========================================="
To use this script:
Save the code above as a file named get_questions.ps1
Open PowerShell
Navigate to the directory containing your script
Run the script using: .\get_questions.ps1
The script will:
Fetch all questions from your Apache Answer instance
For each question, retrieve all its answers
Display the question details including ID, title, and creation date
Show all answers for each question
Mark which answer is accepted (if any)
Note: This script assumes Apache Answer is running on localhost. If your installation is on a different host or port, modify the $baseUri variable accordingly.
This is a basic example that demonstrates how to interact with the Apache Answer API. You can extend this script to:
Export the data to CSV or other formats
Filter questions by specific criteria
Add error handling
Include additional metadata like votes or user information
The script uses Invoke-RestMethod which automatically handles JSON parsing, making it easier to work with the API responses in PowerShell.